Curiosity, Confidence & Co-operation (NHSB WAY)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kampung Glam

This was somewhere you went last year as part of your Heritage tour ....remember.
Here's a refresher....remember the sights and sounds of this place?


  1. Now I remembered the Sultan Mosque and the Gelam trees after watching this video!

  2. I like the show very much! It was very intresting

  3. Of course, I can remember the sights and sounds of the place. I also remember the people selling textiles in their shops. I would like to go there one more time.

  4. I like this video very much! It teaches us what do they do in the history. It is nice and

  5. I recognise the view from the video ...

  6. Kampung Glam is where most malay live.there are Sultan mosque and some shop.There weren some are famous shop.

  7. Now I remebered that the trunk of the galam trees
    can build into boats.

  8. I like this video very much!It is I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!

  9. This video helps me remember some places about Kampong Glam......

  10. Really fun,interesting and enjoyable. This story tells us about the different places in Singapore such as Chinatown, Little India and of course KAmpong Glam.l This video tells me about the different things they sell in KAmpong Glam such as textiles, perfume with no alchol and many more. I learnt more information about Kampong Glam as i am a Muslim. The name of "Kampong Glam" was actually from a "Glam" tree. Most of the Glam Trees were there in the past, so it was called a "Kampong Glam" and "Kampong" means Village So it was Called Glam Village.

  11. After watching this video, i recalled some places in Kampung Glam. They are the Sultan Mosque, Sultan Palace and the Galam Trees that are used to built boates.

  12. Agnes Sum Wen XuanJuly 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    Most shops sells purfume or textile.I remembered the Sultan Mosque and gelam trees the most.

  13. I've learnt that the bark of the glam tree was use to make boats!Fasinating...

  14. I wish I can go there again! Now I know how kampung glam got its name. Kampung means village and glam refers to the glam trees around the place. I didn't know that the glam trees are very useful. I must remember all this...

  15. Most of the shops in Kampong Glam sold perfume and textiles last year when we visited to Kampong Glam .I also rememberd the Glam trees were used to build boats.

  16. The perfume and textiles shops in Kampong Glam were extremely familiar to me. I remembered that the Sultan Mosque is the most famous Hindu mosque there. The roads surrounding the mosque must be curved to cater to the mosque's orientation. The Glam Trees there were used to repair boats in the past.

  17. The perfume and textiles shops in Kampong Glam were extremely familiar to me. I remembered about the Sultan Mosque,the famous Hindu Mosque and the Galam Oil.There is no alcohol in the perfumes they sell as the Malays do not use alcohol.
