Curiosity, Confidence & Co-operation (NHSB WAY)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oral Presentation Schedule

Dear 4A,

Here is the roster for the Oral Presentation as per your request.
You will be given a minimum of 2 mins and a maximum of 3 mins to do your presentation.
You will be assessed on Content (6 marks) and Expression (4 marks).
Total 10 marks.
Do your BEST! I hope to record your performance...

Friday 25 Feb
- Sum Yin
- Ron Goh
- Mabel
- Kelvin
- Ernest
- Veronica
- Andrew
- Jun Quan
- Malcolm
- Kong Min

Thursday 3 March
- Toh Hong
- Wilfred
- Salim
- Ying Ming
- Jeron
- Donavan
- Chenwei
- Huixin
- Leon
- Stanic
- Nicole
- Dian
- Joshua

Friday 4 March
- Yuhan
- Keene
- Hui Ru
- Jiaxuan
- Jessie
- Jocelyn
- Izaac
- Durratun
- Siti
- Jerlin
- Agnes
- Jun Hong
- Brayn Goh
- Yi Xuan
- Keiji

- Li Tong

Topical Test 2

Congratulations to Jessie & Stanic for attaining the highest scores - 29/30.
Many of you scored 28 as well....keep it up.

I'm especially happy for Wilfred, Jun Quan & Leon who have scored 24.5/30, 22.5/30 & 20.5/30. Continue putting in more efforyt. You guys can do it!!!

Remember these scores are tabulated into your CA1/2011.

Friday, February 18, 2011

CA1 2011 - English Alt Asst - Oral Presentation

Hi 4A,

You have received a letter stating the topics for the Oral Presentation.
A range of topics have been given to you. You may decide to present your presentation (minimum 2 mins) using PowerPoint, photographs, pictures or with an object itself.

The topics are : -

1. My Good Neighbour
2. My Hobby
3. My Favourite Television Show
4. My Pet / A Pet I would like to have
5. My Best Trip - Overseas/Local/Learning Journeys
6. My Favourite Cartoon Character
7. My Most Memorable Rainbow Day
8. What I like about School
9. My Favourite Book/Author/Character in a book
10. My Best Friend & I

I have informed you that I'll give you a week to prepare and I will assess you in Week 9.
Some of you have given me feedback confidently that you can present next week itself (Week 8).
I admire your zest and confidence.

Next Monday, I will ask all of you again. Those who prefer to do it next week, will book a slot on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.

The rest who are comfortable with presenting in Week 9 will go through with this oral test in Week 9 itself. We will roster you out next week.

CA1 2011 - English Alt Asst - Koobits Writing Project

Thank you for completing all the 3 diary entries in your journals, 4A!
You have been given the opportunity to complete these entries at your own pace.
I am quite happy with the articles now as most of you have finally completed your 2nd and some even the 3rd drafts.
Yesterday, we went to the computer lab to key in your text.
Next Monday, Ms Ilyna would go through the steps in adding animations to your graphics to support the text.
I have also booked the lab for next Thursday.
Yes, you can type your text at home as well.
All the best for your end product....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your Diary

Dear 4A,

You have started to write on the first 2 entries on CNY celebrations & CCA . I have vetted your work and have given on suggestions to improve your writing.

Today's task : Write your 3rd entry (TDD cum 1st Rainbow day at EDP) in your Journal.

Tomorrow's task : We will go to the computer lab. Instead of typing your text in Koobits directly, I would like to suggest that you type in Microsoft word. MS Word will auto correct your spelling errors (in red) and grammar errors (in green). Once you are done, you can copy the text into Koobits.

So focus only on your text tomorrow.

We will visit the lab again next Mon to add in the pictures/graphics or animation for your Diary!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mabel's Composition

"Oh my!" I gasped. I looked at the newspaper. It read, "DOG killed in car accident". I stared at the words. MY Dog had a near death experience recently too.
"Muuum...! I'm going to take Nali for a walk!", I called out to my mother. I put a leash around my loyal dog, Nali. We went for our daily walk. When we were walking along a pavement, we could see three boys playing football on the other side of the road. I continued walking with Nali as I heard a familiar sound.. "Buoiinng". I turned around and gasped at the boys. Their ball was bobbing towards the road! Deep in awe, I released my clutch off the leash as my hands covered my mouth.
Nali thought one of the boys was playing with her and raced towards the ball on the road. A car sped towards Nali."Nali....move!", I shouted. My mind began to race. The driver of the car saw Nali with his mouth agape in horror. I was frightened out of my wits as terror gripped me. The driver tried to avoid hitting Nali and applied his brakes with all his might. I watched helplessly. My heart was still pounding uncontrollably.
Luckily, Nali looked up in time and dashed away and sprinted back to me. My clammy palms grabbed her instantaneously. I tagged the leash on her collar again. The driver felt relieved that all was alright. One of the boys, who was already red-faced felt guilty and apologised to me. I accepted his apology and returned home. I informed my mother of the incident.
"Woof woof". My thoughts were disrupted by Nali's barks. Nali's fur brushed against my legs. I hugged her. "I'm glad you are safe", I whispered into her ears.

Siti's Essay

'Can I bring Jacky to the park?' I suggested to Mum. 'Alright!' Mum replied zealously. 'Please take care of yourself,' Mum warned me. 'Sure, Mum', I replied lazily.

The weekends are undoubtedly my favourite time of the week. This is because I get to bring Jacky, my favourite pet dog, for a walk at the nearby park. Jacky is a friendly and loyal dog. It was a beautiful day and I was certain we were going to have a wonderful time together. As we strolled along the pavement, we saw a group of boys on the opposite side of the road playing volleyball. Jacky loved catching balls. He stood watching the boys with his leash on.

The ball accidentally landed on the road instead. Jacky rushed forward to retrieve the ball. At that same moment, there was a car approaching speedily on the road. The driver screeched to a halt so as to avoid hitting Jacky. But it was too late. The poor dog was lying unconsciously on the ground. He landed in a crumpled heap. I looked at my pathetic Jacky with tears streaming down my cheeks. I rushed to Jacky's side and cradled him in my arms. I assured him that all would be fine. He whined in pain. By then a crowd had congregated.

Without furthur delay, the driver rushed Jacky to the nearby vet. The vet reported that Jacky had superficial injuries. Feeling apologetic, the driver paid for Jacky's medical bill. I promised myself that I would take good care of my beloved pet and be more cautious in the future. It was a great relief that nothing serious happened to Jacky.

Monday, February 14, 2011

P4 English CA1 - Koobits Writing Project

Dear 4A,

Your task for the above-mentioned activity will be a Diary Entry. You are given 3 compulsory entry dates. They are : -

- Chinese New Year Celebrations in school (2nd Feb 2011)
- Your CCA ( Any date in Jan/Feb 2011 ) - Tues / Fri
- Total Defence Day cum Rainbow Day (15 Feb 2011)

Your Koobits E-Diary will include the Cover
- Main Title : Mrs Fernandez’s Diary
- Sub-Title : Wonderful memories of 2011 (if you want - optional)

Style of Writing a Diary Entry
You should include a variety of different styles/words/expression to enhance your e-diary. Below are some guides. We have covered these aspects in Canoe Diary.

- Talking to your diary
- Hey dear diary…today I’m going to share…..
- Hey Buddy. Did you miss me. Well I’ve got an amazing information for you. There were no
lessons today. You know why? It’s CNY eve. Yippee!!!!
- Add in personal comments… I thought it was a fabulous performance….I wonder how hard
the lion dancers would have trained? It requires a lot of self-discipline you know…
- Today we commemorated TDD. What do you think it means diary? To me, TDD is all
- Add in phrases from your Composition List
- Imagery / Metaphors …linked to your senses – sight/hear/touch/smell/taste…Revist the 3
posts in January
- Hypenated words, Action/Sound Words

You have received your refresher lesson with Ms Lyana & Mrs Soh today.
Most of the featues have been covered.

I'm glad to say that all of you have completed your cover page and managed to save except 2 of you.

Your Task - Homework - Write the First Entry - CNY Celebrations

To all my lovely 4A pupils...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Compo Task 2


You should....

- Use at least 3 phrases from your vocabulary lists. Please underline them.

- Use either ACTION / SOUND words, HYPENATED / CAPITAL letters or ONE- LINERS.
( Do NOT use all the three -- just 1 or 2 will be sufficient)

- Give interesting endings and conclusions

REMEMBER - THE FOCUS IS the usage of the words in BOLD...

Extension for Composition 2

Lets us see some examples on how we can incoporate these ideas into this week's composition

1) Sound or Action Words

- "Splash....Splash.....", the waves hit our feet. We were having a fun time standing at the seaside feeling the soothing waves at our petite little feet.

- "Wahhhhh", the girl wailed uncontrollably as she finished telling us why she was all alone at the beach.

- The little girl tried to hold back her tears. Sob...Sob...Sob...She continued this throughout her conversation.

- My father volunteered to bring the girl to the hospital. We got into our car and drove away. Zoom went my father's car.

2) Hypenated / Capital Letters

- BOOM! All the girl heard was this thunderous sound, she explained to us.

- "Are you all R-E-A-D-Y for this wonderful day at the beach?"

3) One liners

- I wrote my name on the sand.
The waves washed it away.
I wrote my dad's name.
The waves washed it away again.

- I stacked my first bucket of sand. My brother stacked the second. My dad put on the third...but CRASH..our sandcastle collapsed.

- Why was this little girl crying? Was she lost? Was she sick? Was she hurt?

- Who is she? What is she doing here alone? Why did she come to me?

Focus for Composition 2

Innovative additions to the body of a Composition

Try using these strategies ( maybe 1 or 2) in today's composition

1. Using sound or action words
Example : Screech…., Crash…., Plop!. Thud!, Ring…., Splash…, Shh…., Snap…, Splat

2. Using hyphenated or Capital Letters

3. Using One – Liners or repeated phrases

Examples : -
I looked for her behind the bush.
There was no trace of her.
I looked for her behind the pillar.
Yet there was no sign of her.
I looked for Jill behind the door.
There she was!

Something has gone wrong.
Something has gone terribly bad.
Something really worse has happened.

Jocelyn's Essay

"Screech....! BANG!". This sound was always present in Giselle's mind. Pain shot through her heart each time she hears this. " Jane...NO, don't do that..", she called out to her pet companion. Her dog was fine but Giselle will not be able to forget the unforgettable incident.
"Come on Jane. Let's hurry for our walk", Giselle called out. "Woof. Woof", replied Jane in agreement. "That's my girl". Giselle winked at Jane. While taking a walk, she saw her brother's friend, Timothy. He was playing ball with some boys across the street. She smiled and continued walking her pet.
"Get ready for my power shot", she overheard one of the boys yelling. He did kick the ball with much force that it went rolling acroos the road. "Woof", Jane barked and dashed towards it."No Janeeee!", Giselle screamed. "Beep!Beep!....Screech....BANG!" A series of the sounds of horns and crashing followed. Everyone's legs turned to stones. Some gasped in horror. Giselle's eyes widened with fear. Jane was motioness and bleeding profusely. Beads of perspiration rolled down Mr Loh's forehead. He was the driver who knocked Jane down. His mind was in whirl. He immediately dialled for assistance.
The ambulance arrived at the scene in the nick of time. Giselle waited edgily at the hospital. Jane had gone for an operation. The door flung open. Giselle was trembling with fear as she waited for the vet to say something. "Your dog is fine". Giselle was in high spirits. She burst with excitement when he said that she can see her pet. As she entered the ward, she heard Jane's bark. Her dog was back.

Malcolm's Compo

Whenever May sees the wound on her pet dog's leg, she will recall what happened on that miserable day.
Sunlight glinted off the windows of the vehicles on the road. The cloudless sky was lit up by the merciless rays of the mid-day sun. Mary and her pet dog Ben were walking along the sidewalk of a busy road. She had Ben on a leash and was humming a tune while they took a stroll. While walking, she saw a group of boys playing soccer.
Out of the blue, one of the boys kicked the ball too hard and it neared the road. The sight of the bouncing ball caught Bens' attention. Ben quickly dashed across the road and ran towards it. At the same time, there was an oncoming vehicle travelling at break-neck speed. "STOP DOGGIE!", one of the boys bellowed. The appraoching car screeched to a halt but it was too late. Ben was hit badly on the leg. He layed motionless on the road.Everyone was too dazed to utter a word. May's mouth was agape in horror at the sight of her beloved dog bleeding profusely.
May rushed to check on him. Tears trickled. The driver apologised to May. He volunteered to drive to the nearby vet. They rushed him there quickly. Ben needed a minor operation. He regained consciousness after his surgery. The vet assured May that Ben would recover soon. The scar on his leg never ceases to remind May of that unforgettable accident.

Darrutuan's Essay

Everyone left the pet cemetary. I shed my last tear for Jack. I knelt down and placed a carnation on his grave. Here lies my loyal friend, my pet dog, Jack. I stood there staring at the grave as I recalled that fateful day.
I was with Jack that day. "Here boy...." I whistled to Jack. My bold companion raced swiftly to me. I was jogging with Jack at the park. Jack loves the outdoors. We walked past some blocks and playground. I could hear some laughter coming from nearby. There was a group of children playing football cheerfully. "It's my turn," exclaimed a boy as he kicked the ball through the air. The ball raced across to the road. Jack saw this. Suddenly he dashed to retrieve the ball. At the same time, there was a car fast approaching. It all happened simultanously and it was too late. BANG! "Woof...", Jack let out a bark in pain. A desperate cry pierced through the air. I could not believe my eyes as I gasped in horror.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. I walked towards Jack. There was a pool of blood. The driver of the car was there. Shivers ran down his spine. I whipped out my phone and dialled '995'. The pet ambulance arrived and sent him for treatment. The doctor informed me that I would never see Jack again. Jack had died. Till this very day, I keep visiting my pet's grave to remember him.

Keene's Composition

The magnolia white clouds dotted the azure blue sky. The slight breeze rustled the leaves. Tom, Ken and Sam were playing football at a field near the road. Mary would always walk her dog in the afternoon around 4 p.m. She would hook a leash and bring Tim, her dog, out.
As the boys were having a great time, Sam accidentally kicked the ball too hard that it went 'flying' in the air. It caught Ken's attention and he decided to run out of the field to retrieve it.
Unfortunately, he failed to notice an oncoming vehicle. Tim thought Ken was playing 'Fetch' with him so he dashed to catch the ball. The leash slipped out of Mary's hand. Ken, from the opposite side of the road, instructed him to stop but obviously Time could not comprehend his instruction. The fast-racing car realised it was too late to stop and avoid Tim. The car crashed into Tim.
Tim dropped unconscious on the road. The driver rushed out to take a look. His legs went wobbly when he saw Tim lying in a pool of blood. Mary rushed forward with her eyes widened in fear. The other boys stood rooted to the ground.
Without furthur delay, Mary quickly punched in the emergency numbers. Within the twinkling of an eye, the ambulance appeared. The paramedics rushed the dog to the nearest veterinarian. By the time they reached there, Tim was not breathing. Mary's mind went blank and hapless tears streamed down her cheeks. Tim had passed away. The boys apologised repeatedly to her. It was no use. Mary continued to tear terribly on her way to the pet cemetary.

Monday, February 7, 2011

More Comprehension....

Today we will be reading story.

After reading the passage, you may move on to do the questions.

Have Fun!!

Let's do Compre Online....

Hi 4A,

Please read the short passage below and answer some questions.

Have a nice day:D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year 4A

Dear 4A,

Here's wishing you a Happy & Prosperous Lunar New Year!!
Enjoy your break, I'll see you on Monday.