Curiosity, Confidence & Co-operation (NHSB WAY)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jocelyn's Essay

"Screech....! BANG!". This sound was always present in Giselle's mind. Pain shot through her heart each time she hears this. " Jane...NO, don't do that..", she called out to her pet companion. Her dog was fine but Giselle will not be able to forget the unforgettable incident.
"Come on Jane. Let's hurry for our walk", Giselle called out. "Woof. Woof", replied Jane in agreement. "That's my girl". Giselle winked at Jane. While taking a walk, she saw her brother's friend, Timothy. He was playing ball with some boys across the street. She smiled and continued walking her pet.
"Get ready for my power shot", she overheard one of the boys yelling. He did kick the ball with much force that it went rolling acroos the road. "Woof", Jane barked and dashed towards it."No Janeeee!", Giselle screamed. "Beep!Beep!....Screech....BANG!" A series of the sounds of horns and crashing followed. Everyone's legs turned to stones. Some gasped in horror. Giselle's eyes widened with fear. Jane was motioness and bleeding profusely. Beads of perspiration rolled down Mr Loh's forehead. He was the driver who knocked Jane down. His mind was in whirl. He immediately dialled for assistance.
The ambulance arrived at the scene in the nick of time. Giselle waited edgily at the hospital. Jane had gone for an operation. The door flung open. Giselle was trembling with fear as she waited for the vet to say something. "Your dog is fine". Giselle was in high spirits. She burst with excitement when he said that she can see her pet. As she entered the ward, she heard Jane's bark. Her dog was back.


  1. Dear Jocelyn, your essay was quite good.Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Agnes! Hmm... I thought kelvin said many ppl commented? Well from what I looked at now, I dun think so... :D
