Curiosity, Confidence & Co-operation (NHSB WAY)

Monday, February 14, 2011

P4 English CA1 - Koobits Writing Project

Dear 4A,

Your task for the above-mentioned activity will be a Diary Entry. You are given 3 compulsory entry dates. They are : -

- Chinese New Year Celebrations in school (2nd Feb 2011)
- Your CCA ( Any date in Jan/Feb 2011 ) - Tues / Fri
- Total Defence Day cum Rainbow Day (15 Feb 2011)

Your Koobits E-Diary will include the Cover
- Main Title : Mrs Fernandez’s Diary
- Sub-Title : Wonderful memories of 2011 (if you want - optional)

Style of Writing a Diary Entry
You should include a variety of different styles/words/expression to enhance your e-diary. Below are some guides. We have covered these aspects in Canoe Diary.

- Talking to your diary
- Hey dear diary…today I’m going to share…..
- Hey Buddy. Did you miss me. Well I’ve got an amazing information for you. There were no
lessons today. You know why? It’s CNY eve. Yippee!!!!
- Add in personal comments… I thought it was a fabulous performance….I wonder how hard
the lion dancers would have trained? It requires a lot of self-discipline you know…
- Today we commemorated TDD. What do you think it means diary? To me, TDD is all
- Add in phrases from your Composition List
- Imagery / Metaphors …linked to your senses – sight/hear/touch/smell/taste…Revist the 3
posts in January
- Hypenated words, Action/Sound Words

You have received your refresher lesson with Ms Lyana & Mrs Soh today.
Most of the featues have been covered.

I'm glad to say that all of you have completed your cover page and managed to save except 2 of you.

Your Task - Homework - Write the First Entry - CNY Celebrations

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