As agile as a monkey
As beautiful as nature
As big as a bus
As big as an elephant
As black as coal
As blind as a bat
As blind as a mole
As bold as brass
As brave as a lion
As bright as a button
As bright as a new pin
As bright as the sun
As brown as a berry
As busy as a beaver
As busy as a bee
As calm as a millpond
As calm as a cat
As clear as a bell
As clean as a whistle
As clear as crystal
As clear as mud
As cold as ice
As common as dirt
As cool as a cucumber
As crazy as a loon
As cunning as a fox
As cute as a baby
As cute as a cup cake
As damp as the sponge
As deaf as a post
As delicate as a flower
As dry as a bone
As dry as dust
As dull as dishwater
As easy as ABC
As easy as pie
As fast as a race car
As fat as a hippo
As fat as a pig
As fit as a fiddle
As flat as a pancake
As free as a bird
As fresh as a daisy
As funny as a balloon
As gentle as a lamb
As good as gold
As hairy as an ape
As happy as a clown
As happy as a lark
As hard as nails
As hard as rock
As high as a kite
As hoarse as a crow
As hot as a fire cracker
As hot as hell
As hungry as a bear
As hungry as a wolf
As innocent as a lamb
As light as a feather
As light as air
As loud as a lion
As merry as a cricket
As naked as a baby
As neat as a pin
As nutty as a fruitcake
As obstinate as a mule
As old as the hills
As pale as a ghost
As poor as a church mouse
As poor as dirt
As pretty as a picture
As proud as a peacock
As pure as snow
As quick as a wink
As quick as lightning
As quick as silver
As quiet as a mouse
As rich as gold
As right as rain
As round as a barrel
As round as a circle
As round as a sphere
As sensitive as a flower
As sharp as a needle
As sick as a dog
As silent as the dead
As silent as the grave
As silly as a goose
As sleepy as a koala
As slippery as an eel
As slow as a snail
As slow as a tortoise
As slow as a turtle
As sly as a fox
As smart as an owl
As smooth as silk
As solid as a rock
As sound as a bell
As sour as vinegar
As steady as a rock
As sticky as jam
As stiff as a board
As still as death
As straight as an arrow
As strong as an ox
As stubborn as a mule
As sturdy as an oak
As sweet as honey
As tall as a giraffe
As tight as a drum
As thick as a brick
As thin as a toothpick
As timid as a rabbit
As tiny as a grain of sand
As tough as leather
As tough as nails
As white as a ghost
As white as a sheet
As white as snow
As wise as Solomon
As wise as an owl
Thank you for the list!
ReplyDeleteI want to share some similes.
ReplyDeleteAs blind as a bat
Meaning:completely blind
As cold as ice
Meaning:very cold
As flat as a pancake
Meaning:completely flat
As gentle as a lamb
Meaning:very gentle
As light as a feather
Meaning:very light
as old as the hills
Meaning:very old
As sharp as a knife
Meaning:very sharp
As strong as a bull
Meaning:very strong
As white as snow
Meaning:pure white
As wise as an owl
Meaning:very wise
To drink like a fish
Meaning:to drink a lot
To eat like a bird
Meaning:to eat very little
To eat like a horse
Meaning:to eat a lot
To eat like a pig
Meaning:to eat impolitely
To fight like cats and dogs
Meaning:to fight fiercely
To sing like an angel
Meaning:to sing beautifully
This list can help me in my compo!Thank you!