Curiosity, Confidence & Co-operation (NHSB WAY)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vocabulary Learnt in Canoe Diary

Dear 4A,
We have learnt a lot of words from Canoe Diary.
I hope the videos uploaded also gives you more clearer understanding of the text.

My main aim is for you to be able to visualise the happenings in this non-fiction personal recount.

SO read up and widen your knowledge.

P.S > I know the videos will lead you to other videos....and i know many of you are may end up watching too many....HAVE A FOCUS k....

I''l now leave you with a question.....Have you or are you keeping a diary of any trip or excursion?
Share the experience with us!
Post your response today.....


  1. I am having a diary of my 6th trip to hong kong,I wrote about the wax museum.Before going to the Wax musuem,We sat on a tram to reach the top of the hill. The hill was steep!I took photos with the wax figures of Barack Obama , Lee Kuan Yew and Jackie Chan!We tok the same tram back. It was very dangerous.I also wrote about HK Disneyland.I enjoyed riding Space Mountain.It was a 7-min indoor rollercoaster ride!Ths was what I wrote in my diary

  2. I have not keep a dairy of any trip or excursion. But I look forward to have one the next time.

  3. I do not have a dairy. I hope i will have one.

  4. I did not have a diary of any excursion or trip but i hope to start writiing one the next time i go for a memorable trip or excursion.

  5. i do not have a dairy of anything,but i look forward to it

  6. I do not have a dairy too.....but my mum promised me that she will buy me a dairy on my birthday. I will write about memorable trips and excursions.

  7. I don't have a dairy, but I look forward too.
